Many people make New Year’s resolutions with every intention of keeping them throughout the year. Now that we are entering the third week of the New Year, many of those resolutions probably have already been broken. We have good intentions, but our old habits just seem to get in the way. One area that we should all look at for resolutions is our involvement in our faith life.
We offer many opportunities to get involved. Many of you have been involved in numerous ways at St. Katharine Drexel. We encourage you to stay involved and look at ways you can be even more involved.
For those who have not taken advantage of the opportunities to get involved, we encourage you to look for areas where you can participate. Our Stewardship Council recently updated our Ministry Booklet and the sign-up form. The booklet lists the many opportunities to serve within our parish as well as some of our services outside the parish. The opportunities include all of our liturgical ministries, leadership positions on our Councils and Committees, service as a catechist for our Faith Formation programs and Sacramental Preparation programs, areas of service such as hospitality, scrip sales, parish cleaning, front desk help, assistance in
our technology, as well as helping in our outreach programs including Communion to the homebound, leading Word and Communion Services at senior complexes, food packing at Feed My Starving Children, assistance with Meals on Wheels and the Anoka County Family Promise Program.
There are copies of that booklet on a table in the entryway. Pick one up and review it. There is contact information listed for each ministry and area of service. If you want to know more about what is involved in an area of service, get a hold of the contact person and ask your questions.
Once you have reviewed the booklet and discovered the ways you and your family members can participate, complete the sign-up form. It can be dropped in the Stewardship Commitment basket on the entryway table or it can be dropped off at the front desk.
The Stewardship Council reminds us that living our faith is part of our everyday life. They recently put a sign at the end of the sidewalk leading to our entrance. The message as you enter is a welcome for all who come to our parish center. The message you read as you leave will change each month, but it gives us a short phrase to meditate on reminding that our faith requires more than attending Sunday Mass.
Our faith walks out the door with us and needs to be lived.