On the weekend of July 10 and 11 we will host Father Bruno Piccolo of PIME Missionaries, here at St. Katharine’s. Father is a priest of PIME, which is: PONTIFICAL INSTITUTE FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS.
Every year, during the summer months, all the parishes in the Archdiocese need to host an appeal weekend on behalf of some Institute whose primary ministry is work on behalf of the Missions. This is known as the Archdiocesan Mission Cooperative Plan. Last year this did not happen because of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, this year this requirement is re-instated for all the parishes.
Please know that there will be a special Second Collection that weekend for this appeal. So please come to Mass that weekend ready to be generous for this cause. If you cannot be here, you may send your donation to the parish office.
All checks should be made payable to “St. Katharine Drexel Church” with the words “Mission Appeal” in the memo line.
The parish then will transmit one check to the Archdiocesan Mission Office and they in turn will send a check to PIME on our behalf. Thank you in advance for your generosity to this appeal.