January 22 marks another anniversary of the tragic 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout our country.
Every year a March for Life is held in St. Paul to pray for an end to abortion. The March begins with an ecumenical prayer service at the St. Paul Cathedral. A march then proceeds to the capital. A rally is then held with various speakers. Speakers sometimes are individuals who had an abortion and later realize what they have done and began speaking out against abortion. Other speakers share their experience with fighting abortion.
We are working with St Andrews in Elk River to travel to the March for Life on one of the St Cloud diocesan buses. If we have enough participants from St. Katharine Drexel, the bus will stop to pick us up at SKD. Otherwise, we will meet the bus at St Andrews.
If you are interested in attending, contact Deacon Randy, [email protected] to get more information or sign-up to attend the March.