Our Fall Bible Study will have a different focus this year. We will be participating in the parish Small Group portion of the Archdiocesan Synod. That will begin with our September 15 Generations of Faith session. The following 6 weeks we will be discussing the topics that developed out of the Archdiocesan Prayer and Listening sessions.
The Fall Bible Study topic will be Angels in the Bible. We will begin that study Wednesday, November begins this Wednesday, November 3. There are two times offered for Bible Study, both on Wednesdays: 10:00 am following the morning Mass or 7:00 pm. The Synod Small Group discussions will be in-person in the Worship Space. The Bible Study sessions will have the option of in-person or participate by Zoom.
The registration form is on the bulletin board outside the worship space. Indicate if you will be participating in both the Synod Small Group discussions and the Angels in the Bible sessions or just Angels in the Bible.
You can also register online HERE