It has been sometime since we have updated our COVID precautions here,
particularly as they refer to Sunday Worship. I have given this much thought and prayer, as well as consultation with Parish leadership. With this letter I am making some changes to our present protocols.
These changes are being instituted by me, going forward, in response to the following:
The rise in COVID cases here in Minnesota, especially
the Delta variant, as well as the reality that even vaccinated individuals
can both contract COVID themselves or unwittingly transmit it to others.
Because, at present, neither the Archdiocese or that State are offering clear leadership on this front.
The fact that I have noticed the presence of many more people, certainly employees, but also customers at shopping establishments, wearing masks.
Also that all clinics, medical and dental are requiring masks of everyone.
Because some parishes in the Archdiocese, although not all, are requiring masks again.
I clearly understand that there is no change I could make that will please everyone, I want to simply offer a greater assurance of creating a safe Worship space for EVERYONE; regardless of their individual views on the issue.
Therefore, the CHANGES:
Though masks are NOT required for those coming to worship here at SKD
For those ministering as Greeters, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, and at Hospitality, because they are in closer contact with those coming for worship – I AM RESPECTFULLY ASKING THEM TO WEAR MASKS when functioning in those ministries. For those ministering at hospitality please also wear the disposable gloves that are provided.
Though anyone who chooses to wear a mask to Mass is free to sit where they wish, there will now be a designated area in the Worship Space for those wearing masks that can provide some greater degree of comfort for them. You will notice now in church a large section of blue chairs adjacent to the image of Mary, the Blessed Mother (on the left as you enter the space) that is being set aside for those who wish to wear a mask. PLEASE, everyone else, I ask that you would honor this space for them and so ask anyone not wearing a mask to refrain from sitting there.
For the distribution of Communion there will be one Eucharistic Minister assigned to this section, and then two Eucharistic Ministers will be in the center (in front of the Altar), one for the left hand side of the congregation and one for the right hand side of the congregation. This should facilitate a good flow for communicants.
There is constant flux because of COVID situation, and its variants, so there well may be other changes coming in the future. For now, let us begin with these and reassess as the situation demands.